Quick start – Email Platform
Let’s say you need to send an email to your contact list using Email Service Provider. You want to address each recipient by name and have statistics on the number of emails opened by recipients, with the ability to build a list of these recipients. Distribution should be carried out by a Remote SMTP Relays method .When connecting to Remote SMTP Relay a proxy server should be used.
The steps will be as follows:
1. Create Sender Profile
In the main program window, click the Sender Profiles button then click “Add” and in the account editing window enter (or select random) :
Account name (Sender Profile Name)
Sender Name (Name From, Optional)
Sender Email (Email From)
Reply-To Email (Email Reply-To, Optional)
Organization (Optional)
EST domain (Optional)
2. DNS Settings
In the DNS settings window you need to enter the primary and (preferably) secondary DNS servers that will be used when sending mail. If you are currently connected to the Internet – click on the Auto Detect checkbox to make the program try to determine the DNS servers used by your system by default. If the program was able to determine the DNS servers, you need to enter them manually. To speed up the distribution of mail, it is highly recommended to check the Enable DNS Cache checkbox.
3. Real-Time Statistics
In the Real-Time Statistics settings window click the “Add” button and specify the direct path to the [rstrack.php] script (example http://your-web-site.com/rstrack.php) , which will collect open/clicks statistics. For more information about installing the [rstrack.php] script on your server, see Installing Server Scripts. In the Receive statistics every … minutes field, set the interval for receiving statistics from the server. The recommended value is 5-7 min.
4. Create Contact List
To create a mailing list, first click the “Contact Lists” button to open the List Manager. Then, in the “List Manager” window click the “New Mailing List” button. Enter a name for the new list (e.g., My Contacts) and then click OK
5. Upload Contacts
To Load Contact List select list what was created and click “Load Mailing List” button.
Select Loading Options:[One E-Mail One Line]
[Comma Separated Value (CSV)]
[Name <Email>;]
[Semicolon Separated Emails (Email;Email)]
[Comma Separated Email (Email,Email)]
[Any Database (via ADO/ODBC)]
[Another Mailing List]
and click Continue button. Map the fields of the File to the fields of the created mailing list and click OK.
6. Create Message
Click Massage button and when click the Add button, the message editor will open.
To address each recipient by name you will need to insert Mail Merge Template (Mocro) “[%%FFullName%%]
” in the body of the email. “[%%FFullName%%]
” refers to the mailing list field containing the recipient’s name (most likely it will be the FullName field).
To do this, click menu Insert Macro->Insert Field->FullName
. After that, a link to the FullName field of the mailing list will be inserted into the body of the letter. You can find here list of available Macros
The result will look something like this:
For an Open / Clicks counter to work, click RealTime Statistics menu. Real-time Statistic window that appears. You need to check
Track opened messages
Track clicks on links in this message box
and select the server that will collect statistics from the drop-down list.
If there is no server in the list, you need to add it. See Real-time Statistic help for more information .
Enter email “Subject” , “Message Name” and click “Save & Return to Main Window “.
7. Create Delivery Profile
Click Delivery Profiles button, in appeared window click the Add button.
Enter Delivery “Preset Name”
Select “Delivery Mode” – “Remote Smtp Relays Only”.
Select “Sending Method” – “Personal Copy”.
Enable “Mailing Speed Throttle” – “1 message per 60 second”.
You need to add at least one “Remote Smtp Relay”. Click “Remote Smtp Relay Settings” Tab. Click Add button.
In Relay Settings window .
Enter Account Name
Select Account Type (Service SMTP/API)
Select “Server Name (Hostname /IP) ” , Port
Enter “Login” , “Password”
Click OK.
If you do not need use Proxy . You can stop here.
Otherwise, check the box next to “Use Socks Proxies for Delivery”, then click … button to open Proxy Manager.
A proxy server manager window will open. You need to add at least one proxy server to the list. To do this, click the Add button and in the window that appears, enter the IP address and port number of the proxy server through which connection should be made or mail should be sent . Then close proxy manager.
This completes the configuration of the main modules of the program.
You just have to create and launch Campaign. Click “Campaign” button from main menu . Click Add and select “Campaign”. Enter campaign name and click “OK”
Select Campaign what you created . In Campaign Source/Destination select:
From Sender Account:
To Mailing List:
Send Message:
Using Delivery Profile:
The program is completely ready to send email. Before start mailing, you can go to the Preview tab in the mail editor to make sure that the letter looks normal and MailMerge templates work correctly.